yeah! we got the call we were waiting for! Nate should start work monday. what a long and very hard wait its been! not to say that having nate home that long was very getting to know him all over again lol.
but we survived! thank you all for your phone calls, and prayers. Ill keep you up to date on how it goes :)
The one thing we have started doing as a family is playing games. since we dont have a tv in the trailer just a comp to watch movies, the kids have taken a liking to playing board games and cards . its been alot of fun to see them learn the games we all loved as a kid! what an expierence this has been!
But now we can all get back to a regular schedule lol. you all know what i mean lol. ill keep you all up to date about how it goes :)
Phew!! I've been thinking about you so much this weekend. I'm so glad the call came. I love that you are playing so many games with the kids. Think of all of the quality time that you have with them:)
Yeah!! and that means you can talk to me more....hehehe. Love you sis! I am happy for you!
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