Monday, October 13, 2008

made a choice

Well after coming home and leaving nate. the family tried to get back to normal. but i just had this very ominous feeling i needed to be with nate. at first i thought it was just i didnt want to be alone without him. but ive done that before..ive left him for 3 weeks and was fine. the next morning wade came down sick and we sat on the bed and had a family discussion. the only reason werent following nate was wade's i told him id let him decide...did he want to stay in his new school, or go be with dad. we talked about the pros and cons...and i really didnt pressure him at all. and he kept i want to be with dad. i guess the week i was gone he had a very bad time in the points i got a call because of his behavior..we are such a close family i know this has effected us all. so I said ok..lets do it..and we started to plan it, packing and going to go the next day to riverton. well then we found out about the incoming storm and decided the next day was going to have to be today lol. and we jetted to wy as fast as we could.

needless to say we scared nate to death lol and he didnt know what to think. but all that was put aside as we redied the trailer for the storm. well it didnt work..our heat tape failed and our water froze lol. but we weathered the worst storm theyve had all year lol. on sunday nate sat and gave all the kids blessings, in wades he told them that he would be blessed educationally because of his choice to be with his family over school. i had tears in my eyes when i heard this...what a blessing!! then he gave emma one and me one. In mine he told me that i would have the strength to see this family through this and keep us together and that i would also be blessed for my choice. what a reassruance that following the spirit is the right thing to do. i know this wont be especially being crammed in this little trailer. but i know we will be blessed for our desire to be together as a family. nate is sacrificing for this family and in our way we can do the same to better the life of our family. i know we will all be blessed for our sacrifice. and that in the long run this will be our family closer together!!

I am so gratefull to have the gospel to be able to tell me what i need to do..for that small whispering guiding me in making the right choices. and though the road ahead is full of questions and unkowns..i know we will be together as a family and we will get through it :) love ya all. thanks for all your support. i will keep u updated about where we go next and whats happening.


hi, it's me! melissa c said...

I don't care what you say! I'm still mad!!!!!

I'll get over it. Maybe!!!!

Tash said...

lol i know u still love me heh...

Chelsea said...

Tash, this is exactly what I did with all of our kids. We left our beautiful house and went and lived in a teeny tiny apartment just to be by Kyle. You know what? The kids loved that time. We did so much more together than when we were in UT because we didn't know anyone and I had to get them out of that apartment!!

Just last night Kyle and I were talking about being in Ohio. All the fun we had and everything we miss about it.

Enjoy it. Don't miss what you left so much that you miss out on the good things Heavenly Father is trying to give to you.

Chelsea said...

The kids still ask when we are going to go back!

Alisha said...

Tash- You are an inspiration to me and I love you! Alisha