its started out that i couldn't afford to go have my hair colored by my regular stylist..so i thought i ll just put a rinse in and be fine till next month. well the color was suppose to be light blonde. its went more like platinum blond err. so i decided i already hate my hair so why not go dark like i have always wanted...so i put a black color in
1st warning...never change your hair from blond to black, unless u want to stay there as its easier to go darker but not easier to go lighter from black hehe
so i loved the black, it was way different and fun, but i realized that upkeep was going to be hard, and the hair color after few days wasn't as pretty or glossy as at first. so i though i would just go to a dark brown. heh. well u can't do this, i found out, because black will not got to brown like brown to black!!
So i researched how to get rid of black hair, i was too embarrassed to go to my regular sytlist so i decided to remove it myself
2nd warning....everyones hair does not respond the same to hair removers!! the best way to remove color...go to a sylist who does lots of hari cloring hehe
I followed the directions to the letter....my hair turned the orange/red the directions said it would and i was ready to put the next color on.....a dark brown.....
needless to say this didn't happen. because the hair remover burnt my scalp and hair, so my hair didn't pick up all the color, it went to a mousy medium red brown...i was horrified. i trimmed all my edges and went to a cheap hair color place to trim of the burnt(only cause it was 8 pm at night and no sylists were open.
she recommened putting a semi-perm color on in mean time
3rd warning ...after putting light to dark to no color to dark...your hair will open up and accept all color as permanent color!! therefore semi will not be semi...but permanant
i put a black rinse in and next day went to a salon(broke down cause i needed a good haircut) this stylist told me that my hair would not be ready to accept any color for a couple months while it repaired itself..and also told me that the semi perm..would take as a permanant....and told me next time come in and they have removers they test on your hair before doing to see how they respond......sigh....
I did end up with a ok haircut...but my hair is about 2 inches shorter and my scalp has tiny little scabs all over it. i still have the black color which i will wear for as long as i can stand before trying to remove and restore my regular color......
the moral of the story is if u want to go an extreme color, always go semi-perm, or have a professional do it....it will save you money in the long run.....
my cheap dye ended costing me over 85 dollars, broken hair, and a sore scalp. plus hair dresser said it would probably grow back white or grey....because of the damage....sigh.....learn from my mistakes please!!! Natasha