Tuesday, August 08, 2006

a little bit of kids...

More of my little squirts...they are growing up so fast!! Wade will be seven in sept.....How can I have a seven year old? he is boss 2. of course with dad gone alot he thinks thats his job.... hehe

Emma is 2 1/2...well that says it all doesn't it hehe....she is going to be a beautiful girl...and very stubborn, did I say she was stubborn!!

and Trenton our little foster boy is coming alive. learning what foods he likes, trying to learn that no means NO hehe.

foster care this time around has definatly been easier emotionally. I have found how to love him without exactly attaching myself to him as "MINE" . we have no idea what is happening with mom and dad...they are still sitting in jail as far as I know...there is talk of removing mom's rights...but not sure about dad's yet. I would love to adopt him...but I also know he might still go home as well...
I sure so love these guys....as much as they make me crazy...I wouldn't know what to do without them!!


hi, it's me! melissa c said...

Your picutres are darling! You are such a good mother! You have so much love and patience to give. I really admire that!

Lisa M. said...

I can't even imagine the emotional roller coaster of foster care. I have seen it a little, through my friend Melissa and visited with her concerns and worries and fears and heartache, and happiness.

It is very admirable.

Someday, I am going to foster care. I have some things I need to do first, but I will get there.

Thanks for your light. And the pictures of your adorable children.

Renee said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. Sorry it took me so long to get here and visit. My brain operates way too slowly some days. I've added you to Bloglines so I'll be back!