I know its been awhile, ive been drawn away to facebook lol. A dear friend reminded me that blogs are more indepth and she missed seeing mine so im being a good girl and posting whats been going on.
We made it to texas safe and sound...quite a trip with 2 kids and 2 dogs.. but without too much drama we found texas after 2 days of driving. We were greeted by 80' weather and sun :) We were very happy to have a place to stay and enjoyed the luxory of room in holly's place after being in the trailer for a couple months.
The kids started school and have been enjoing it ! Emma actually goes to all day pre-k...what a suprise for mom to have her gone all day i was lost the first day not sure what to do with myself lol WAde is enjoying his new teacher and loving school again :) they enjoy being on the farm and helping with the chores(not sure how much help they are but they are loving it)
We have some awesome neighbors (there are 4 homes on a 30 acre farm..its amazing!) The owners the bartons have always been very nice and have welcomed us warmly. the rios's(daughter to the bartons) have 2 children 12 and 13 who keep wade and emma entertained and they love hanging out with them so its very nice.
Nathans job ended abrubtly a week and a half ago. he thought he would get onto another crew but it didnt happen. so he decided to come out and join us in texas for awhile. he took a job out here at a honda dealership, so he will work there for awhile. im not sure what the next job will do. he is in a debate to keep going or stay put for awhile. the construction really takes a toll on the family its hard, but we know its temporary so we are debating what to do. Ill keep ya all posted on what ends up happenning. If he does go back on the road we will join him in the summer for awhile before returning here for school in the fall
Emma had a pre-k feild trip to sea world of all places :) it was a blast! i was able to attend where they let the kids see all the animals, then they had a couple shows one with shamu, and one with the sea lions..it was so fun!! I loved the dolphins, and of course just wondering around seeing the amazing animals. it was a once in a lifetime experience for emma she loved it!
Anyway we have been enjoying the 80' weather and loving the sun :) Ill keep ya posted with pics and stuff as we go :) love ya all and miss ya all :)